My Thoughts on Social Media..

Hi there, Iโ€™ve been having pretty rough encounters with some social media platforms lately and I just want to share some thoughts.... With one particular platform, I personally find it contains a high level of toxicity. I deactivated once thinking that it was toxic but upon return, I can see that it clearly has not … Continue reading My Thoughts on Social Media..

3 am

I'm laying there looking at him, dashing handsome dreamy, the only good thing he ever gave to me was the freedom of tears. The freedom to hurt to love to express, in and out of the sheets when it comes to dressing and to undress. As I lay there, i noticed his eyes closed, but … Continue reading 3 am

What has God taught me on Failure?

Todayโ€™s Message: โ€œWhat has God taught me from failure? If you had to be honest with yourself, how would you answer this question? Most of us might think itโ€™s ridiculousโ€”I mean, failure is definitely not a good thing and nothing good can be taught from it. Maybe itโ€™s divine punishment? If I had to answer … Continue reading What has God taught me on Failure?

Being a Friend vs. Being Yourself!

Todayโ€™s Message: Being a Friend vs. Being Yourself After my first article launched, I found myself engaging in a conversation with a girl about not having friendsโ€”nor anyone that likes her. Mind you, the conversation started after I stumbled upon videos of hers where she was apologizing for the smallest things: talking too much, doing … Continue reading Being a Friend vs. Being Yourself!

Self Motivation!

Life is about you! This means that you dont depend on others for approval. To make you laugh. To make you smile or to make you happy. You see, whats going on in the world today is alot of us tend to be dependent and not independent. We walk around doing things mostly for our selves, with the … Continue reading Self Motivation!